
Friday, June 28, 2019



THIS is what it means to be a true pirate! FREEDOM! Be your own badass self and watch your life spiral upwards so fast your head will spin!

Are You A Cat or Catty?


I think there is a reason this is on a black poster. It's daunting!!! When you are looking at the people you are hanging out with, do you ever think about how you can become them? Well I'm screwed because I spend most of my time hanging around four cats and an old man (my husband who is only 2 years older than me but, whatever) So does this make me an old curmudgeon cat? Maybe, but if I am indeed a cat, I choose to look at it as a very big positive. Cats live in the moment, therefore they are not stressed out by anything. To them life is quite simple: When I am hungry I eat, when I feel like playing I play and when I am tired I sleep. They are loyal and loving companions who are quite content with their lives as is. OK, so call me a cat.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dark Times

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted on here. Do I blame it on the fact that I have too many blogs or being lazy or losing my writing voice or just digging out from the shock of what has happened to our country since that horrible election back in 2016. Dark times indeed and a time for women to unite and fight to take back our country and what is owed to us by law. This is not a time to segregate into our little groups of us. The us is we and no longer them when it comes to women. Supporting each other and cheering on those loud voices we are hearing that are pro people is a good way to start. Admittedly, I have been focused on my little family of four cats and a husband because that is where I get my greatest joy and escape from the daily horror that is the news.
The next election is going to be so important to our continued existence as a democracy. While I consider myself a social progressive, I am also looking at this next election in very practical terms. The current administration must go! I'm afraid that the best way to achieve this is to have a middle of the road candidate to run against the Republican. I also feel this should be a man. Yes you heard it from the feminist. While I can't wait to see things move forward in this country, I also strongly feel that this is not the time where a progressive candidate will win. The people need a candidate that won't challenge their feeling of status quo too much. So what I am saying is let's do practical over progressive just one more time, at least for the Presidential race. Grass roots races may just be heading towards more progressive grounds which is fantastic. Building a base of radicals that will move on up and into higher positions is what I'm looking for for the short term. When the primaries come, vote your heart, but once the candidate is chosen, be sure to vote smart. A three way race will guarantee a re-election. It's a numbers fact. Remember, a middle of the road President surrounded by a progressive Congress is likely to start the ball rolling in the right direction. Food for thought.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hello! I LOVE this poster. I feel it should say it all to the women out there who are determined to keep up with Barbie, the doll. As an avid feminist, I find it maddening that women expect to be taken seriously, in terms of equal pay, career advancement, control over their own bodies etc, and yet many sit around talking about the size of their thighs, butts and stomachs. I don't know for sure but I highly doubt that Ruth Bader Ginsberg or Sandra Day O'Connor had these types of conversations over lunch. Clara Barton, Marie Curie,  and all of the women suffragettes, for example, seemed to have more on their minds than how they looked. Ladies, it's time to man up. When was the last time you heard a man complaining about the size of his thighs or the size of his tummy or his inability to fit into his "skinny" jeans? If you have, I wonder how seriously you would take him if he next said he working on a definitive cure for cancer? Would you like to be involved with a man who is constantly obsessing about his looks and making this a topic of conversation? How would you feel if while looking at a dinner menu he made comments about how many calories a given entree is or decided to just have a salad because he is watching his manly figure? I for one would be incredulous and bored out of my mind and think that he was quite shallow and uninteresting. I also feel the same way about women who choose to have similar conversations with each other. I feel it is a given that an intelligent person would be cognisant of the fact that a person should get a reasonable amount of exercise, and eat healthy non processed food. Why make these things a topic of conversation when there are so many other interesting things to learn about another person and so many ideas to share.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

We Are In Charge

Artist Carol Rosetti came to my attention today via a wonderful article showing her work. This poster is just one of many she has done. If you want a real lift, check out this amazing work.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Feminism: that radical idea that women support each other and cheer them on without judgment

                                     Twenty Eight year old award winning Director

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Parent Thing

I love my father. When I was a kid he truly was my hero. My dad was tall, handsome and wonderful in my child's eyes. He took time to read to me, threw the ball with me, played tennis with me and taught me how to ride my bike. If I had a problem, I could always go to him for help and guidance. He's well educated, well traveled, and a successful business man now recently retired from running his own business.
What I have experienced as an adult child is that this same childhood paragon has little interest in what goes on in my life and little, if any, tolerance of any opinion contrary to his. Though we are on the same page when it comes to politics and such, he doesn't care to hear anything that is not a mimic of his own opinions because he is after all, an authority on whatever subject is at hand. He will close down a conversation and tune out as it suits him, leaving you wondering why you bothered to attempt to talk to him in the first place. Though he asks what you are up to, he is only interested in hearing the Twitter version at best. His world revolves around him.
Never having been a parent myself, I cannot speak for what it is like to be the parent of a child, much less of an adult child, but I imagine after playing the role of parent, a person might be anxious to get back to paying attention to their own life and no longer have to worry about their children now that they are adults. Fair enough.
Now that we are in our fabulous fifties, I would caution to take the lessons of our own experiences with our parents and use them to help us in how we relate to our own children or younger adults in our lives. Being the authority on everything and discounting the opinions of our children, nieces and nephews, and other young ones, is a lost opportunity for everyone involved. Coming into your own as an adult, and that heady feeling you should have when you finally "arrive" now that you are of a certain age, is wonderful. Letting ego take over is not. While your children may always look to you for your wisdom and love, they also need to be looked upon as the adults they are, which includes being fully capable of intelligent conversation and discourse, with some ideas that you may not have ever thought about. It's quite possible that they too are an authority of sorts in certain areas of life, and that you could learn from them. For example, I would be lost in technology if it were not for my twenty something friends who have turned me onto many wonderful things in technology going as far back as teaching me about texting, telling me about MySpace (yep that long ago) and how to manage my files better (DropBox!). I would be a novice in knitting still, if it were not for my twenty something friends who had the patience to teach me things that I now know. My twenty somethings also remind me how important it is to keep my voice and be heard, to never stop being a rebel to the cause.
Never stop learning, never stop LISTENING and always remember the lessons you learned from how your parents treat you, so that depending on your experience, you can change it, or model it. Ego makes us feel inadequate if someone much younger (or anyone of any age really) knows a lot more than we do about certain things. Our souls however, allow us to  express our innate curiosity and the strong desire to want to know even more than we already do! If we feel secure in all of the wisdom and knowledge we have acquired by the time we have reached our fifties, then we know that it is a given that other people have things they can learn from us no matter how old or young they are. We don't have to be concerned with having to be responsible to know it all, even when it comes to our children. It's OK if they know things that we don't. They have spent their young lives learning things from us that they didn't know, why not let them take their turn now? I'm guessing they would love to show you.

How do you relate to younger adults?
When you discover that younger adults know more about something than you do, how does that make you feel?
How willing are you to ask for help from a younger adult, or your child in teaching you something you don't know?
Have you given any thought to what kind of parent to your adult child you want to be?
 What do you want your relationship to be like? How are you going to go about developing the relationship you want?

Exercise: Be aware of your attitude towards younger and older generations

Post Script: This post would not have been complete without the loving thoughts I have towards all of the twenty somethings that are in my life who would not likely read this blog because they are not in their fifties!

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